  • 我的观影记录

  Hell-bent on becoming the ultimate ruler of the universe by sacrificing his firstborn, the powerful conjurer of illusions and master of the Black Arts, Traigon, makes an unholy pact with the evil deity, Kalghara. However, fate has other plans, and as the magician's wife gives her last breath to protect her newborn twin daughters, Traigon dies. Nearly two long decades later--imbued with the unlimited white force of their mentor, Krona--the dauntless warrior-sisters, Mira and Mara, embark on a dangerous mission to avenge their slaughtered mother and to defeat the resurrected warlock once and for all. Who shall live and who shall die in the final clash between good and evil?Hell-bent on becoming the ultimate ruler of the universe by sacrificing his firstborn, the powerful conjurer of illusions and master of the Black Arts, Traigon, makes an unholy pact with the evil deity, Kalghara. However, fate has other plans, and as the magician's wife gives her last breath to protect her newborn twin daughters, Traigon dies. Nearly two long decades later--imbued with the unlimited white force of their mentor, Krona--the dauntless warrior-sisters, Mira and Mara, embark on a dangerous mission to avenge their slaughtered mother and to defeat the resurrected warlock once and for all. Who shall live and who shall die in the final clash between good and evil?   译文(2): 地狱决心成为宇宙的最终统治者,通过牺牲他的第一个孩子,强大的幻术师和黑魔法大师,Traigon,与邪恶的神,Kalghara 订立了邪恶的契约。然而,命运有其他的计划,当魔术师的妻子给她最后一口气,以保护她的新生双胞胎女儿,崔冈死亡。将近二十年之后——充满了他们的导师克罗纳无限的白色力量——无畏的战士姐妹,米拉和玛拉,开始了一项危险的任务,为她们被屠杀的母亲报仇,并一劳永逸地打败复活的巫师。在正义与邪恶的最终决战中,谁将生谁将死?地狱决心成为宇宙的最终统治者,通过牺牲他的第一个孩子,强大的幻术师和黑魔法大师,Traigon,与邪恶的神,Kalghara 订立了邪恶的契约。然而,命运有其他的计划,当魔术师的妻子给她最后一口气,以保护她的新生双胞胎女儿,崔冈死亡。将近二十年之后——充满了他们的导师克罗纳无限的白色力量——无畏的战士姐妹,米拉和玛拉,开始了一项危险的任务,为她们被屠杀的母亲报仇,并一劳永逸地打败复活的巫师。在正义与邪恶的最终决战中,谁将生谁将死?


2023-06-10 10:56:52,最后更新于 1年前


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◎影片别名:The Devil's Advocate




◎影片时长:83 分钟


◎影片编剧:吉姆·温诺斯基 杰克·希尔 

◎影片主演:鲍勃·尼尔森 大卫米伯尔尼 Bruno 马丁·拉萨尔 米格尔·安赫尔·富恩特斯 Leigh 莉内特·哈里斯 罗杰·科曼 杰克·希尔 Álex William 




◎更新时间:2023-06-10 10:56:52


  Hell-bent on becoming the ultimate ruler of the universe by sacrificing his firstborn, the powerful conjurer of illusions and master of the Black Arts, Traigon, makes an unholy pact with the evil deity, Kalghara. However, fate has other plans, and as the magician's wife gives her last breath to protect her newborn twin daughters, Traigon dies. Nearly two long decades later--imbued with the unlimited white force of their mentor, Krona--the dauntless warrior-sisters, Mira and Mara, embark on a dangerous mission to avenge their slaughtered mother and to defeat the resurrected warlock once and for all. Who shall live and who shall die in the final clash between good and evil?Hell-bent on becoming the ultimate ruler of the universe by sacrificing his firstborn, the powerful conjurer of illusions and master of the Black Arts, Traigon, makes an unholy pact with the evil deity, Kalghara. However, fate has other plans, and as the magician's wife gives her last breath to protect her newborn twin daughters, Traigon dies. Nearly two long decades later--imbued with the unlimited white force of their mentor, Krona--the dauntless warrior-sisters, Mira and Mara, embark on a dangerous mission to avenge their slaughtered mother and to defeat the resurrected warlock once and for all. Who shall live and who shall die in the final clash between good and evil?

  译文(2): 地狱决心成为宇宙的最终统治者,通过牺牲他的第一个孩子,强大的幻术师和黑魔法大师,Traigon,与邪恶的神,Kalghara 订立了邪恶的契约。然而,命运有其他的计划,当魔术师的妻子给她最后一口气,以保护她的新生双胞胎女儿,崔冈死亡。将近二十年之后——充满了他们的导师克罗纳无限的白色力量——无畏的战士姐妹,米拉和玛拉,开始了一项危险的任务,为她们被屠杀的母亲报仇,并一劳永逸地打败复活的巫师。在正义与邪恶的最终决战中,谁将生谁将死?地狱决心成为宇宙的最终统治者,通过牺牲他的第一个孩子,强大的幻术师和黑魔法大师,Traigon,与邪恶的神,Kalghara 订立了邪恶的契约。然而,命运有其他的计划,当魔术师的妻子给她最后一口气,以保护她的新生双胞胎女儿,崔冈死亡。将近二十年之后——充满了他们的导师克罗纳无限的白色力量——无畏的战士姐妹,米拉和玛拉,开始了一项危险的任务,为她们被屠杀的母亲报仇,并一劳永逸地打败复活的巫师。在正义与邪恶的最终决战中,谁将生谁将死?


  {影视大全为您整理了电影《魔女》的相关资讯,《魔女》于美国上映,是一部由导演杰克·希尔 导演执导,吉姆·温诺斯基 杰克·希尔 担任编剧,鲍勃·尼尔森 大卫米伯尔尼 Bruno 马丁·拉萨尔 米格尔·安赫尔·富恩特斯 Leigh 莉内特·哈里斯 罗杰·科曼 等演员精彩演绎的美国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上影视大全(www.xzyjx.com),本网站同时也提供《魔女》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


