  • 我的观影记录
My Name Is Myeisha

  On the evening of December 28th, 1998, nineteen year old Myeisha Jackson heads out for a fun night in LA with her cousin Roni and friend Kai. Their grand plans are immediately deflated when their car gets a flat tire. Pulled over into a gas station, the trio take turns dealing with the logistics of getting the car back on the road.   While waiting for AAA to arrive, Myeisha decides to chill alone in the car and falls asleep, music blasting, doors locked. When Kai and Roni come back to the vehicle, they do what they can to rouse her and when that fails, phone 911 for help. Nearby police get dispatched to check out the scene; what follows is horrific history.   In the fleeting moments before the unthinkable occurs, Myeisha awakes with a start inside her inner dreamscape. The ensuing metaphysical trip through her mind reveals a life brimming with promise on the cusp of adulthood – her secrets, goals, flaws, strengths, loves, and talents – and is fueled and expressed by her love of hip hop, dance, and spoken word as she comes to terms with what’s happened to her.   What sounds like a sobering and solemn premise is rendered with unexpected playfulness and incredible warmth. This young black life is defined by more than her death and is shown to matter not through eulogy but celebration. With tour-de-force performances by leads Rhaechyl Walker and John Merchant, My Name is Myeisha is fearless independent filmmaking at its absolute finest. Required viewing.


2023-06-10 13:33:02,最后更新于 1年前


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 电影《My Name Is Myeisha》的剧情详细介绍

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◎影片名称:My Name Is Myeisha




◎影片时长:82 分钟




◎更新时间:2023-06-10 13:33:02


  On the evening of December 28th, 1998, nineteen year old Myeisha Jackson heads out for a fun night in LA with her cousin Roni and friend Kai. Their grand plans are immediately deflated when their car gets a flat tire. Pulled over into a gas station, the trio take turns dealing with the logistics of getting the car back on the road.

  While waiting for AAA to arrive, Myeisha decides to chill alone in the car and falls asleep, music blasting, doors locked. When Kai and Roni come back to the vehicle, they do what they can to rouse her and when that fails, phone 911 for help. Nearby police get dispatched to check out the scene; what follows is horrific history.

  In the fleeting moments before the unthinkable occurs, Myeisha awakes with a start inside her inner dreamscape. The ensuing metaphysical trip through her mind reveals a life brimming with promise on the cusp of adulthood – her secrets, goals, flaws, strengths, loves, and talents – and is fueled and expressed by her love of hip hop, dance, and spoken word as she comes to terms with what’s happened to her.

  What sounds like a sobering and solemn premise is rendered with unexpected playfulness and incredible warmth. This young black life is defined by more than her death and is shown to matter not through eulogy but celebration. With tour-de-force performances by leads Rhaechyl Walker and John Merchant, My Name is Myeisha is fearless independent filmmaking at its absolute finest. Required viewing.


  {影视大全为您整理了电影《My Name Is Myeisha》的相关资讯,《My Name Is Myeisha》于美国上映,是一部美国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上影视大全(www.xzyjx.com),本网站同时也提供《My Name Is Myeisha》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


